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主題︰[NT] 球員招募處
eeeeem發表于 2007-11-17 15:06
I would like to make some amendments on the sticky post for NT requirements under (422582.3)
(((draft - comment appreciated)))
As the HT's have announced that multiskills will become more important from next season we have decided to change the focus for the NT-team more towards this. Multiskills, secondaries and appropriate tertiary skill now become priority.
Goalies: magical+, defending skill as secondary (priority given for those train defense, defensive positions to keeper)
Defenders: magical+ defending, passing/playmaking as secondary.
(prefer specialty: powerful/head/unpredictable with passing)
Inners: magical+ with passing or defending (or both)
Wingers: divine+ with passing or playmaking (or both)
(prefer specialty: quick/head/technical/unpredictable with passing)
Forwards: magical+ with passing or winger (or both)
(prefer specialty: quick/head/technical/unpredictable with passing)
Playertypes with multiskills:
Wingbacks: defending and wingerskill at high levels. Both beyond world class
PM-wings: winger and playmaking, wingerskill beyond Extra terrestrial, pm-skill beyond brilliant
FTW's: scoring and winger. Both beyond world class
OCD's: defending and playmaking. Both beyond magnificent
Def forwards: playmaking, passing and scoring (with technical specialty). PM beyond magnificent, passing beyond magnificent, as much scoring as possible
Stamina: for all (solid + for MF, passable + for others; expected change on game engine for next season)
Set pieces: for all (expected change on game engine for next season)
It is also very important that the players are going to be trained for a long time and that they are as young as possible. The limits we have set above here are not absolute in any way and we would like to see player develop to that direction. So there is a good chance that players that are on their way to meet these requirements, but which don't meet them currently can be included (particular for those with desired specialty). If you have a player which you are training for multiskill purpose - contact us. We will gladly give advice on future training.
Player Scout
Forward: Little Rain ((112525)
Midfield/Winger: EEEEEM (112325)
Defender/Keeper/Coach: winstonlam [(112317)
Players with no secondaries/multiskill do not have a bright future in the NT-team.
Best regards,
NT Hong Kong Management Team
176樓:damingtse:MF 入選條件:
有HEAD : 17PM 15PA / 18PM 12-13PA (有空位較低PM 都會預選)
175樓:terry1225:韓 (Hon) 效東 (Xiaodong) (342919702)
Hong Kong 25 岁 0 天, 下一个 ..
174樓:韓 (Hon) 效東 (Xiaodong) (342919702)
Hong Kong 25 岁 0 天, 下一个生日: 13- ..
