回帖︰引用第26樓winstonlam於2007-11-30 21:57發表的“”:
hum....I posted the game plan in the HKG conference for about 1 hour (I am sure some of the Germany users will read it), so as Ronny.Now we have a interesting option to turn this mistake in to opportunity.We can go for the plan a as per my tactic outline below (pressing).or plan B (CA) or even plan C (not yet decided).decision, decision.
Here is the full game plan I posted.
ronny好似有好友a/c架, 尤其是你只用英文, 佢一入黎就睇到你既計劃....或者可以問垃圾桶, 可唔可以set一d野, 令到出post唔多既ronny睇唔到呢個post, 而其他ht玩家既好友就睇到