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主題︰今 -- 週 -- 仲 -- 用 -- 唔 -- 用 -- SUN -- 既 -- 對 -- 家 ???
回帖︰reyna is unlikely to be risked this wk.Both Danny Mills and Ben Thatcher recently came back from injuries, but had to make two full 90 minute reserve appearances before even being considered.90 min is too soon for Reyna.It is likely for Ireland to replace Barton.
下一樓›︰下面是引用alvis_warrior於2006-03-02 07:09發表的:

唔一定!不過九 ..
‹上一樓︰下面是引用望晴天於2006-03-03 00:04發表的:
睇d data都可以見到少少野..
sun對家最高分 ..
