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回帖︰引用第37樓eeeeem於2010-12-18 18:07發表的“”:
king神, 郭法榮個owner搵我, 佢問我係咪唔再用佢, 係既話就唔再train
你快d 安撫下佢啦
21-12-2010Re: 郭 (Guo) 法榮 (Farong)
09.24 来自: glahuis
Sorry, I play in league V, it's too expensive to train him too much. His salary will be too much if I train him further, without the refund I get as a national player...
Another thing, I was also asked to train him constitution before the World Cup. Why?

我諗最好搵人接手了,一來佢似乎頂唔到人工,2來我見佢TRAIN WING一直都放係WINGBACK度
下一樓›︰引用第38樓king6a於2010-12-21 18:54發表的“”:
21-12-2010Re: 郭 (Guo) 法榮 (Farong)(sikingthegreat)
‹上一樓︰king神, 郭法榮個owner搵我, 佢問我係咪唔再用佢, 係既話就唔再train
你快d 安撫下佢啦
