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主題︰HK U20 球員招募區
回帖︰譚 (Tam) 子復 (Zifu) (329334809)
18 years and 57 days, Next birthday: 01-04-2012
In excellent form, passable stamina.
A pleasant guy who is balanced and upright.
Has wretched experience and poor leadership.
Has divine loyalty.
Owner: Mathematics United (since 27-08-2011)
Total Skill Index (TSI):10 680
Wage:11 300 HKD/week
Current skills
Keeper: disastrous
Defending: poor
Playmaking: passable
Winger: brilliant
Passing: weak
Scoring: poor
Set pieces: disastrous
我唔知U20要咩winger level, 所以搵左全隊最好既yp黎問o下咁樣差幾多皮
不過, 我唔記得左佢上次升wi係幾時 好似兩三個星期前
生日o個d我唔識計, 係咪u20 world cup完之前未去到21?
下一樓›︰楊 (Yeung) 庭嘉 (Tingjia) (338029015)
Hong Kong 17 岁 62 天, 下一个生日: 0 ..
‹上一樓︰引用第579樓星夜鈴於2012-01-29 19:56發表的“”:
鄭 (Cheng) 雙海 (Shuanghai)
18  ..
