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主題︰細談 Hattrick 青訓系統
回帖︰引用第65樓earlystall於2012-04-10 12:32發表的“”:

我都搵左其他既source, 有d話係potential有d話係current skill
經你一講, 我除左睇左自己個source之外, 都再翻查d網頁, 的確兩者頭有人提倡
我一直用開個source: http://www.hattrick-youthclub.org/site/scoutcomments_show
Overall Skills - Allrounder The theory that applies most often, states the following: Depending on overall skills there is a certain amount of skill points. These are divided among the three best potential skills of the player. If we add up the skill points from the three best potential skills of the player, we obtain the distributable skill points.
Skill level - distributable skill points:
Poor - 9 to 12
Weak - 12 to 15
Inadequate - 15 to 18
Passable - 18 to 21
Solid - 21 to 24
The overall refers to these skills at the moment when the scout brings in the player, this is why he states: "I would say as an allrounder, he's ...". The scout only gives out clues for the starting point of skills, NOT the maximum reached after full training in the youth academy. There is a math formula lying underneath the scout’s statement, possibly an average of these skills.
Overall is a skill estimation of all or the top three skills or something similar.(as an idea,there is no proof of this), there are very few solid overalls. and nearly every passable overall results in a moneyworth player. The lower the overall is the more probably it is that the player is a keeper even if the keeper skill isn't mentioned. Some instead think the overall is an estimation of all or some potentials.
呢個網站亦都講到原來以前d scout報overall ability句野會有 "right now" 既字眼, 但係而家刪除左, 唔知會唔會係呢個原因所以而產生overall ability係報current skill呢個說法
為左求證, 翻查返自己以前既一d青訓產品既record...
丁 (Ding) 敬鴻 (Jinghong) (289733264)
Scout comments
With his passable overall skills, this might be the player for us.
Given the chance to improve his Passing skills, this guy might well reach passable in that department.
Without any further training, this player will remain with weak Scoring.
skill - 練完出黎 - 開始level(estimate, 因為唔係真係一開始就知, 當教練第一次報個個為準) - potential
Keeper disastrous - disastrous - wretched
Defending solid - inadequate - solid
Playmaking weak - weak - weak
Winger weak - weak - weak
Passing passable - passable - passable
Scoring weak - weak - passable
Set pieces poor - poor - poor
林 (Lam) 昌鑫 (Changxin) [ 342574929]
With his passable overall skills, this might be the player for us.
Without any further training, this player will remain with inadequate Playmaking.
Coach this player right and he will reach his potential of solid Passing before you know it!
Keeper disastrous
Defending weak - weak - unknown
Playmaking solid - passable - solid
Winger inadequate [5.1] weak - unknown
Passing inadequate - inadequate - solid
Scoring poor - unknown - unknown
Set pieces poor - unknown - unknwon
雖然呢個資料唔多齊, 但係就咁睇都好似兩個theory都符合到
另外睇左幾個, 都係兩個theory都套得入. 不過而家睇到眼都花, 遲下繼續睇.
下一樓›︰引用第66樓LCHB於2012-04-10 22:25發表的“”:
為左求證, 翻查返自己以前既一d青訓產品既rec ..
‹上一樓︰引用第64樓LCHB於2012-04-07 16:10發表的“”:
好似係potential多d wor
有種說法係3項 ..
