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主題︰Lilian Kan 簡幗儀
My first cake this year ❤❤ thank you @tamtszpui for accompanying me all the time through the hard times , and @daphne.hc for always helping us when we need you most , Thank you thank you ,
I am a blessed boss with great staffs.
Let's bring Kanalili to the next level this year with more colleagues ❤
我的閨蜜團∼左起霸氣索女Ula , 仙氣女神Elva , 還有最美總編May Lui , 美麗媽媽Cammy 要好 ..
這次書裡有很多美衣,也有穿自己的設計,這件我一見鍾情的是澳洲品 牌 Zimmerman 的,蕾絲 ..
