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回帖︰freezefox:除非玩取巧, 齋比租借費,唔駛比人工! 人工就阿記出。

咁其實都係轉個名義去支付美羊份人工⋯⋯⋯⋯  (2022-01-30 22:24) 
The main issue left to resolve is the payment of Aubameyang’s roughly £350,000-a-week salary and who covers what proportion of that income.
It is believed that Arsenal would not receive a loan fee but want Barcelona to cover as much of his wages as possible, which would be a huge saving but may be complicated by their financial state. No option or obligation to buy is expected to be included in the proposed move.
If a consensus can be found, the transfer should go through ahead of the January window closing on Monday and settle the uncertainty surrounding the 32-year-old’s future until the summer at least.

巴塞比錢買人都仲可以, 但人工先係佢死穴喎⋯⋯ ..
‹上一樓︰除非玩取巧, 齋比租借費,唔駛比人工! 人工就阿記出。

咁其實都係轉個名義去支付美羊 ..
