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主題︰U20/NT 買賣專區 (今期熱賣:-)
有機會 U20
PM trainer 請接
劉 (Lau) 安文 (Anwen) (307824571)
17 years and 3 days, Next birthday: 23-03-2011
Hong Kong
In passable form, weak stamina.
A sympathetic guy who is calm and honest.
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities.
Owner: Disastrous FC
(since 04-12-2010 (1/44), )
Total Skill Index (TSI): 930
Wage: 4 100 HKD/week
65 600 HKD /season
Warnings: 0
Injuries: Healthy
Speciality: Quick
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Hotlist Reminders
Deadline: 07-12-2010 10.00 (2 days 14hr 44min)
Asking price: 10 000 HKD
Highest bid: 20 000 HKD by Zhongshan FC
Place a bid for this playerHKD
Current skills
Keeper: 1/20 disastrous
Defending: 5/20 inadequate
Playmaking: 7/20 solid
Winger: 5/20 inadequate
Passing: 3/20 poor
Scoring: 4/20 weak
Set pieces: 3/20 poor
‹上一樓︰SC trainer 請救
佢有機會入 U20
就算冇 U20 我諗佢都會係 NT 有發展機會
羅 (Lo) ..
