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主題︰24/25英超官方遊戲FPL Fantasy Premier League
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551樓︰posouth:X2    (2024-10-21 05:06) 
[freezefox 2024-10-21 09:46]
552樓︰posouth:......諗諗下, 其實有2個free transfer, 最差情況都係Son周中傷, 要用多過一個transfer ..
[freezefox 2024-10-21 09:50]
553樓︰我覺得熱刺最佳陣容都係中場雙防中夾麥迪臣,前面三個就SON 、蘇蘭基、莊臣或古老石。

[freezefox 2024-10-21 09:54]
554樓︰踢哂得30 分.......GG
[stevewong_20 2024-10-21 13:11]

其實呢幾場都證明咗,佢唔適合打單防中。 ..
[posouth 2024-10-21 18:40]
556樓︰stevewong_20:踢哂得30 分.......GG (2024-10-21 13:11)
今周普遍都係低分, 平均分只係得32. ..
[posouth 2024-10-21 18:45]
557樓︰By the way, 今季好少睇車仔, 直到今場對利記. Jackson好似成材了?
[posouth 2024-10-21 18:53]
558樓︰posouth:By the way, 今季好少睇車仔, 直到今場對利記. Jackson好似成材了?  (2024-10-21 ..
[freezefox 2024-10-21 21:57]
559樓︰NEWS | Son’s assist has been removed ❌
[羅力亞 2024-10-22 00:27]
560樓︰羅力亞:NEWS | Son’s assist has been removed ❌
cls彈弓手左兩次  (2024-10-2 ..
[posouth 2024-10-22 06:37]

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