下面是引用sbsbsbsbshk於2006-03-10 17:32發表的:
kylau...你話唔可以寫晒full sentence,
咁我唔係全部係full sentence,間唔中有d係point form既又得唔得架?
大家係張note card又會點樣編排呢?
e個無問題的, 我睇份marker's comments, 佢講既係extreme cases
姐係全部都係full sentence不過我都係寫main pts only
note card d 字係要簡而精
有d人張notecard, 全部係full sentence, 仲要d字蚊咁細隻, so.......
要簡而精! main pts only!
font size 係要ensure你到時可以清楚睇到
我覺得oral discussion 好似玩問答比賽一樣, 要把握(even 係爭取)你發言的機會, 當然也不要dominate 個discussion, 如果唔係會死得仲慘
1. 比marker知道你有contribution to the discussion
2. 唔好只講"yes, i agree with you" e d 野, 要再加自己agree人地的原因 (elaboration)