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人對待哀傷與災難過程中的5個獨立階段(Five Stages of Grief) [復制鏈接]

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只看樓主 倒序閱讀 使用道具 樓主   發表于: 2009-10-18


庫伯勒-羅絲模型描述了人對待哀傷與災難過程中的5個獨立階段。絕症患者被認為會經歷這些階段。這一模型是伊麗莎白•庫伯勒-羅絲在她1969年出版的「論死亡與臨終」(On Death and Dying)一書中提出的。這一模型中的階段後來廣泛流傳,被稱作「哀傷的五個階段」(Five Stages of Grief)。
[編輯] 五個階段


  1. 「否認」:「不會吧,不可能會是這樣。我感覺沒什麼事啊。」
  2. 「憤怒」:「幹嗎啊,這不公平!這怎麼可能讓人接受!」
  3. 「討價還價」:「讓我活着看到我的兒子畢業就好。求你了,再給我幾年時間。我什麼都願意做。」
  4. 「抑鬱」:「唉,幹嗎還要管這些事啊?反正我都要死了。也沒什麼意義了。」
  5. 「接受」:「我沒問題的。既然我已經沒法改變這件事了,我就好好準備吧。」


  1. Denial — "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me."

    Denial is usually only a temporary defense for the individual. This feeling is generally replaced with heightened awareness of situations and individuals that will be left behind after death.[1]

  2. Anger — "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; "Who is to blame?"

    Once in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger, the person is very difficult to care for due to misplaced feelings of rage and envy. Any individual that symbolizes life or energy is subject to projected resentment and jealousy.[1]

  3. Bargaining — "Just let me live to see my children graduate."; "I'll do anything for a few more years."; "I will give my life savings if..."

    The third stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow postpone or delay death. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made with a higher power in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. Psychologically, the person is saying, "I understand I will die, but if I could just have more time..."[1]

  4. Depression — "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die . . . What's the point?"; "I miss my loved one, why go on?"

    During the fourth stage, the dying person begins to understand the certainty of death. Because of this, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time crying and grieving. This process allows the dying person to disconnect oneself from things of love and affection. It is not recommended to attempt to cheer up an individual who is in this stage. It is an important time for grieving that must be processed.[1]

  5. Acceptance — "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."
    This final stage comes with peace and understanding of the death that is approaching. Generally, the person in the fifth stage will want to be left alone. Additionally, feelings and physical pain may be non-existent. This stage has also been described as the end of the dying struggle.[1]

[ 本文被智者在2009-10-18 12:12重新編輯 ]