下面是引用可於2005-10-23 04:02發表的:睇完我覺得係皮里斯自己失魂咋喎..
下面是引用迪克於2005-10-23 00:24發表的討論:皮里斯的12碼:有2樣野討論2.應否吹停賽事?.......
下面是引用十號球王於2005-10-23 01:46發表的:唔係喎..睇番段片..個波無動過喎.. [表情] [表情]
下面是引用Skyline於2005-10-23 10:59發表的:有我睇有線睇得好清楚不過係整郁左幾毫米.....
亨利:那是我的主意Arsene Wenger believes Robert Pires' insecurity led to the oddest penalty ever seen in the Premiership as Arsenal beat Manchester City 1-0.Pires, who had scored one penalty, tried to set up Thierry Henry with his second spot-kick but scuffed the pass and conceded a free-kick instead.Wenger said: "Robert was uncertain and scared to miss the penalty and he made a big mistake and a wrong decision."He was not lacking seriousness or respect - he was lacking confidence."Wenger revealed that Pires explained how he and Henry had decided to play the penalty between them.The pair had practiced it in training and it is a ploy that worked for former Ajax player Johan Cruyff who exchanged passes with team-mate Jesper Olsen before scoring in the 1982-83 season.But it went horribly wrong for the two Frenchmen and has led to accusations that the attempt was disrespectful.However, Wenger insisted: "It could be interpreted that Robert was being disrespectful, but that would be wrong."I think it is because he is so serious that he was insecure about taking a second penalty."I felt Robert had enough confidence to take the second penalty, but that is not the way he felt."I felt disbelief. But Robert is a lucky boy because the team has not been punished."As a result of the incident, Henry has declared "I will now take the penalties - all of the time", having previously passed had he been the player fouled.And he added: "I take all the blame, it was my idea. If it had worked it would have been a brilliant idea, but it did not work.Robert's leg went numb, but had he touched the ball, I would have been there to bury the ball."I want to apologise to Arsenal fans because maybe it was not the right thing to do."It was not a lack of respect - maybe we should not have done it, but football is a game and it is entertainment."
下面是引用arsenal於2005-10-23 09:41發表的:咁樣處理12碼根本係一種策略我感覺唔到呇a唔尊重對手以前告魯夫都係咁啦如果Pires特登射出界或者細力傳比龍門 , 咁先叫輕蔑既然Henry同Pires咁樣處理 , 就應該知道冇違反球例.......
下面是引用freezefox於2005-10-23 12:38發表的:係勁差呀!!.......
下面是引用mingson@wenger於2005-10-24 16:23發表的:我覺得無問題,相信大家都睇過球王告魯夫點做架啦根本就係戰術12碼邊個話一定要射?夆鱈lge用後踭傳番俾自己龍都得架啦