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[英超]修咸頓宣佈與隊長荷西方迪(José Fonte)續約至2018年 [復制鏈接]

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Fonte signs new deal until 2018

Southampton Football Club is delighted to announce that José Fonte has extended his contract until the summer of 2018.

The team captain has agreed a new deal for the next three seasons, which would take his association with the club into its ninth year.

Fonte has enjoyed tremendous success since joining Southampton from Crystal Palace in January 2010, playing a key role in the club’s rise from playing League 1 to establishing itself in the Premier League.

The 31 year-old has also enjoyed his first taste of senior international football with Portugal, winning his sixth and seventh caps during the last fortnight, and is now closing in on his 250th appearance for Southampton.

Fonte said of his new contract: “I’m obviously very pleased and very happy.

“I want to thank the manager, Les Reed, Ralph [Krueger], Katharina [Liebherr] – all of the staff and all of the board – for showing their trust and belief in me.

“I am extremely happy that they are giving me this opportunity to keep being in this great club, and I hope I can give back with good performances and by helping the club move forward.

“This is where I feel happy and where I’ve been very successful, so this is where I want to be and where I want to win.”

Executive Director of Football Les Reed commented: “I am delighted that José has committed his long-term future to the club.

“This sets a tremendous example for young players. As skipper, José has demonstrated leadership qualities that all young players should aspire to and it is good for them to see such long-term dedication to the club.

“Currently in his prime and recognised at international level, we are sure that José will become yet another Southampton legend and, like club captain Kelvin Davis, will be lifting some silverware very soon.”

First Team Manager Ronald Koeman commented: “I’m very pleased because he’s an important player for the team – he’s our captain.

“He has played already several years for the club and he is really feeling well in Southampton – he’s a great professional and an example how you have to behave in football.

“He knows what you have to do to develop yourself, and I’m very happy that he stays for more years.”

Read more at http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/article/20151016-jose-fonte-contract-announcement-2018-2746964.aspx#wCSYs9I8gq QKsUO7.99

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