引用第15318樓earlystall於2012-05-17 11:50發表的“”:
Another sad day in the club in this disappointing season, but I have to agree that Kenny deserved at least 1 more season at the club, sacking him after all that the club has been through is just cruel. [表情] [表情]
That said the only viable person I see taking the manager post is Rafa.
應該咁講, 情感上我好明白以daglish身份同地位, 大家都會相信佢, 以致覺得可以再俾一年時間佢. 個人黎講我都同意可以俾多一年時間呢一點.
但另一方面, 我亦都明白管理層做呢個決定嘅原因 - 事實上個成績係差, 亦都可以肯定嘅係, 如果呢個唔係daglish, 大家會純粹從成績角度去睇, 然後會100%同意要炒. 加上反正daglish都唔會係一個長遠嘅選擇, 所以如果覺得要轉, 係有一個長遠d嘅5-year plan, 8-year plan甚至10-year plan in place嘅話, 呢一刻換帥嘅決定係可以理解的....
tomkins講得好好, 呢個係一個好難做嘅決定.... 兩邊都各有好強嘅理據. 但無論點都好, 最重要嘅係, 呢個要係一個正確嘅決定. 好起上黎可以好好, 但壞起上黎.... 隨時搞到好似aston villa咁都講唔定....