引用第1904樓Chelsea於2011-03-29 13:10發表的“”:
日本核危機惡化,《讀賣新聞》引述政府消息,政府正考慮,將營運核電站的東京電力公司,暫時國有化,以便管理。消息指,因福島核輻射 問題,東電將承擔巨額支付賠償。政府內部開始討論,將東電國有化的方案。另外,日本九州地區亦首次檢測到放射性物質。
from wiki
During and after the end of World War II, scientists working on the Manhattan Project and other nuclear weapons research projects conducted studies of the effects of plutonium on laboratory animals and human subjects.[68] Animal studies found that a few milligrams of plutonium per kilogram of tissue is a lethal dose.[69]
In the case of human subjects, this involved injecting solutions containing (typically) five micrograms of plutonium into hospital patients thought to be either terminally ill, or to have a life expectancy of less than ten years either due to age or chronic disease condition.[68] This was reduced to one microgram in July 1945 after animal studies found that the way plutonium distributed itself in bones was more dangerous than radium.[69]
Eighteen human test subjects were injected with plutonium without informed consent. The tests were used to create diagnostic tools to determine the uptake of plutonium in the body in order to develop safety standards for working with plutonium.[68]
The episode is now considered to be a serious breach of medical ethics and of the Hippocratic Oath. More sympathetic commentators have noted that while it was definitely a breach in trust and ethics, "the effects of the plutonium injections were not as damaging to the subjects as the early news stories painted, nor were they so inconsequential as many scientists, then and now, believe."
致死劑量係千分之一克,唔係「5g plutonium可以毒死2億人」咁誇
[ 本文被智者在2011-03-29 13:47重新編輯 ]