羅力亞:高普獲選為英超年度最佳領隊利物浦領隊高普獲選為今季英超的最佳領隊,同時亦獲頒費格遜獎。英格蘭聯賽領隊協會在倫敦舉行頒獎禮,54歲的高普獲選為英超年度最佳領隊。協會全體成亦投票選出高普成為費格遜獎得主。由高普帶領的利物浦,在剛過去周日的英超,以一分之差輸給曼城, .. (2022-05-25 08:08)
freezefox:再見了,奧歷治! [表情] [表情] [表情] (2022-05-23 18:53)
羅力亞:Liverpool won't loan Fabio Carvalho out next season. He's gonna be part of the first team as Jurgen Klopp is convinced he could become an important player very soon. 🔴⭐️ #LFC Fulham wanted him to stay on loan but it's never .. (2022-05-24 17:42)
謝拉傑:今季唔知有無得增兵呢...... 如果贏埋UCL,3個盃、英超第2,應該夠哂獎金科水啦掛...... (2022-05-25 16:08)
posouth:有關Tchouameni的傳會消息咩料? 好似一半傳緊皇馬, 一半傳去利記 [表情] (2022-05-25 20:19)
羅力亞:Mo Salah: “I am staying at Liverpool next season for sure, that's clear. In my mind, I don't focus on contract right now”. 🚨 #LFC“I don't want to be selfish, it’s not the right moment to speak about the contract”, he added. (2022-05-25 22:11)
posouth:有好有唔好, 如果佢意思係「我坐多年就學Wijnaldum咁free走」, 就gg了...... [表情] [表情] (2022-05-25 23:22)
TuNg:mane就可能要走了 [表情] (2022-05-26 02:54)