Alan0502:想問下黎緊係咪唔會有雙賽? 仲有張wc未用 (2020-07-04 10:27)
bbq903:想問今場值得用TC博salah 爆分嗎? (2020-07-04 11:36)
羅力亞:A #mufc insider has dismissed reports of Bruno Fernandes and Paul Pogba injuring each other in training today and says there is nothing to worry about #mulive [@StrettyNews]SURELY The Mirror didn't get it from this parody site.......... (2020-07-04 11:33)
羅力亞:按宜家fixtures,冇 (2020-07-04 11:33)
posouth:嚇咗一跳!! [表情]
posouth:感覺Greenwood起碼出2/3正選, Foden可能50-50. Nketiah就一個問號, 唔敢掂. 漸入季尾, D賽果會更多大手筆, 攻強於守. 打算一有機會就將資源調前, 長期343. [表情] (2020-07-03 23:48)
羅力亞:maybe follow ben神,drop kdb this week then him back.next weekWC DRAFTPope Martinez/Nyland.......
羅力亞:maybe follow ben神,drop kdb this week then him back.next weekWC DRAFTPope Martinez/Nyland....... (2020-07-04 11:44)
羅力亞:Should be finalPope MartinTAA AWB Doherty Holgate Kiko....... (2020-07-04 18:19)
羅力亞:final minute martial+dcl => Antonio+Rashford[表情] (2020-07-04 18:30)
posouth:啱啱起身. Antonio! 呢個真係幾differential. 佢上場有D時候踼到成前鋒位咁, 希望WHU臨尾強勢回歸, 相比下真係好睇過Bournemouth好多, 值得護級. [表情] Pulisic X2, 都入咗, 雖然又好驚佢即刻呢場會唔會bench [表情] (2020-07-04 18:51)