posouth:X2, 仲係唔多放得低Ings隊長, 18分point swing [表情] 估唔到到今周先大炒, 一周得分排5,000,000以外 [表情] (2020-07-23 09:19)
羅力亞:[table][tr][td]LIVE RANK[/td][td]POINTS[/td][td]POINTS POST-AUTOSUBS[/td][td]HOW FAR AHEAD OF YOU[/td][/tr][tr][td]1[/td][td]2491[/td][td]2491[/td][td]289[/td][/tr][tr][td]100[/td][td]2404[/td][td]2406[/td][td]204[/td][/tr][tr][td]1K[/td][td]2353[/td][td]2354[ .. (2020-07-23 11:53)
羅力亞:The dates for the international breaks and Champions League & Europa League have already been announced -they cover every midweek up to December, so it looks like the League Cup will either be scrapped or it won't feature the PL teams who qualify for .. (2020-07-24 01:17)
羅力亞:#GW38 anytime scorers odds %Jesus: 57%Sterling: 57%Salah: 54%....... (2020-07-24 14:45)
羅力亞:BREAKING: The Premier League 2020/21 season will begin on September 12 and finish on May 23 Schedule for the end of next season:May 23rd - Final round of Premier League fixturesMay 26th - Europa League Final....... (2020-07-24 22:05)
posouth:外面好似好睇好維拉護級成功, 降班1賠2. Watford就降班4賠1. (2020-07-25 00:54)
freezefox:想問,今周既FREE HIT ,係咪我CONFIRM 左轉人之後,仲可以繼續換人?定係只可以做一次? (2020-07-25 11:57)
posouth:係, activate咗之後都仲係任換 (2020-07-25 12:20)