posouth:Son宜家好似話唔算好嚴重, 應該International Break後出得, 即係GW30 [表情] (2021-03-17 07:41)
迪克:格利殊學下人地仔仔啦........... (2021-03-17 11:19)
freezefox:之前明明話好快出得返,之後變左 50% ,宜家得返 25% ⋯⋯⋯....... (2021-03-17 11:27)
文仔:開左free hit 今周放得 (2021-03-17 18:27)
posouth:Mourinho on Son: "If a player is injured, it doesn't matter if it's a friendly or an official match. If we get to next week and he's injured and we can prove that to the Korean football association, then what can they do. If he can't play .. (2021-03-18 00:49)
posouth:兩難.......之前一直諗未來一段時間會放部份曼城人, 因為GW29+33都無得踼. 優先想放Stones, 跟住上星期Stones入球+CS, 痴咗. 咁打算放Gundogan, 今日又見到個stats, 原來今季曼城的神射手暫時係佢! [表情] 唔使考慮講緊係所有賽事的神射手, 定只係計聯賽, 兩樣都係! 痴Gu .. (2021-03-18 01:43)
迪克:放Stones啦,我都會佢問題係「有得抖」、「隨時抖」 (2021-03-18 12:12)
posouth:Grealish好似返操了終於. 繼續睇press conference睇幾時出得.有冇維拉隊友買入佢呀? [表情] (2021-03-18 21:59)