下面是引用hung於2005-08-31 06:42發表的:but i think if a people give up, they will left bff because people here will think he is a lier and will not welcome him, then the ''money'' is no use
下面是引用frankie於2005-08-31 06:53發表的:所以未比幾多按金都無用 [表情] .......
下面是引用萊斯特於2005-08-31 06:57發表的:唔多明 [表情] ........如果有人GIVE UP [表情] .....你跟住會點做 [表情]
下面是引用frankie於2005-08-31 07:01發表的:我當然唔想發生早的話....可以find 其他人頂呇餧^"
下面是引用萊斯特於2005-08-31 07:03發表的:點find法 [表情] 如果遲的話會點做..................... [表情]
下面是引用frankie於2005-08-31 07:11發表的:大佬我洗唔洗定5week 之前就find 甘呀 [表情] .......
下面是引用horance於2005-08-31 10:53發表的:d account 全部由你開喇...等你選曬人先pm d pw/account俾人.
下面是引用frankie於2005-08-31 13:26發表的:荷蘭薯比我更聰明 [表情] [表情] [表情]
下面是引用hung於2005-08-31 14:00發表的:i think of this be4 ga, but i think it is so bad to ask frankie to open all the account for us because open 1 is ma fan already, and 10.....
下面是引用horance於2005-08-31 14:02發表的:frankie點會mind呢~~~ [表情] [表情] 妢|話:我係版主~做多少少有乜所謂~~~~~ [表情] .......