成個轉會窗,頭兩星期先扮賣緊盤玩失蹤,跟住就扮話開綠燈買人,再扮話會破球會轉會紀錄,最後就扮話已盡晒努力買人,果 20m 會撥落去 summer transfer 度!
大佬呀,即係 summer 隨時就係得呢 20m,咁果 100m+ 既 tv money 呢?當然就係無聲無色咁落左肥佬個袋啦!
Alan Shearer
So over 11 seasons @NUFC net spend has been £4.5m a season. Throw in the TV money and ever present gate money....
One hour left to spend some and give them a chance! Well done to the fans tonight for showing their love for the club. Shame others don't share it. #NUFC
[ 此帖被火鳳凰在2018-02-01 17:39重新編輯 ]