2013-7-2 11:08:51
維基解密指出,陪同斯諾登前往俄羅斯的維基解密法律研究員哈里森(Sarah Harrison),已在當地星期日(6月30日)晚在莫斯科機場過境區將斯諾登的政治庇護申請,交予一名俄羅斯領事官員,當中羅列了斯諾登回到美國將面對的檢控風險。《紐約時報》、路透社、法新社及俄羅斯國際文傳電訊社指,設在莫斯科謝列梅捷沃機場的俄羅斯外交部領事機構證實,斯諾登已通過該機構向俄羅斯提出政治庇護請求。
普京:若要留俄 停止洩密
"No matter how many more days my life contains, I remain dedicated to the fight for justice in this unequal world. If any of those days ahead realise a contribution to the common good, the world will have the principles of Ecuador to thank."
The Obama administration has now adopted the strategy of using citizenship as a weapon. Although I am convicted of nothing, it has unilaterally revoked my passport, leaving me a stateless person. Without any judicial order, the administration now seeks to stop me exercising a basic right. A right that belongs to everybody. The right to seek asylum.
In the end the Obama administration is not afraid of whistleblowers like me, Bradley Manning or Thomas Drake. We are stateless, imprisoned, or powerless. No, the Obama administration is afraid of you. It is afraid of an informed, angry public demanding the constitutional government it was promised — and it should be.
I am unbowed in my convictions and impressed at the efforts taken by so many.