引用第68樓望晴天於2011-09-15 05:45發表的“”:rule of thumb is to make sure you get at least 2 offers from the 5 choices. (e.g. don't fill your 5 slots with Oxford+Imperial+LSE+Warwick+UCL....and bear in mind the top 20 unis are incredibly competitive so even if you are predicted A*A*A* with a good personal statement u might still get a rejection)don't end up in clearing....otherwise [表情]
引用第70樓kamch116於2011-09-15 06:03發表的“”:我冇PREDICT...我淨係知我要盡最力努力去考至少2個A番黎....
引用第75樓KaiMatthewBot於2011-09-15 18:31發表的“”:i am applying 4 of the above [表情] dont scare me please [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情]
引用第76樓KaiMatthewBot於2011-09-15 18:34發表的“”:wtf? [表情] ask themor at least tell the AS grades...
引用第74樓望晴天於2011-09-15 18:30發表的“”:上到去有返咁上下程度好多野都飛係靠自己睇架啦econ gce同uni個距離好大.. gce直頭似history...根本無數係要"計"(無calculus個d) [表情]
引用第77樓望晴天於2011-09-15 19:08發表的“”:你報chemistry? 應該易好多掛......但最少都搵返2個insurance啦.......
引用第80樓kamch116於2011-09-15 19:20發表的“”:講真又係...E家真係冇數計咁濟搞到我有時睇咁多雞腸都好辛苦咁大學ECON係讀咩?
引用第78樓kamch116於2011-09-15 19:18發表的“”:叫老師PREDICT?做咩要叫佢地PREDICT?你覺得地PREDICT完一定準?
引用第79樓kamch116於2011-09-15 19:19發表的“”:揀哂4間後你冇INSURANCE喎一陣唔好彩4間都唔收你咁你點?BTW,你咁勁淆乜
引用第82樓KaiMatthewBot於2011-09-15 19:53發表的“”:open day can help you [表情] did u go to any of them
引用第85樓kamch116於2011-09-15 19:58發表的“”:NOPE,點知佢幾時有OPEN DAY?
引用第87樓托利斯於2011-09-16 00:16發表的“”:[表情] [表情] 其實而家我都未諗到話讀u會讀死邊一科,but我揀左finance, banking個類,其實首要係入到自己想入既大學, 跟住入到去再轉科都得 [表情] 還掂人地比個個offer你,只係offer個grade比你,你有齊佢要既grade就夠哂,.......