原來好多人都因為 accept 了 trade 但不見了而向 yahoo 查詢呢,
yahoo 解釋如下:
Trades must be offered and accepted prior to 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the day of your deadline in order to be processed. Yahoo! will continue to process trades after the deadline, provided that they were agreed upon prior to the deadline.
For example, if your league features a March 3rd trade deadline, teams may accept trade offers until 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on March 3rd. After that time, no new offers may be proposed and no existing offers may be accepted.
If the same league featured a 2-day review period, a trade accepted on March 3rd would process after the review period expired at 11:59 p.m. on March 5th. In a Custom League, the commissioner may approve trades after the deadline, again assuming it was pending prior to the deadline.
咁我既然成功按到掣 accept 了科高個 trade,
應該會繼續可以 trade 到先係呢~
美國時間唔係應該後過香港時間 deadline 咩