tc2218:If we have to reduce add/drop, 5 is my limit, 4 is too low.This league has very little trading moves already, if the number of add/drop got too low, it really takes out the fun of this league. (2012-10-23 02:16)
kenlo:其實 tc 你講呢點都提醒我, 就正正係唔多次數比你add/drop, 變相要鼓勵玩家多d trade (2012-10-23 03:26)
tc2218:to me add/drop and trade are two totally different thing. add/drop is short term solution, trade are long term. Trade change the whole structure of my team, add/drop provide the neccessary stat for my team on the specific h2h week. Trading cant really help me .. (2012-10-23 03:37)
kenlo:講真我覺得每周5-7次係ok既, 但係當知道"所謂"pro-league既setting係點之後, 我就好有興趣試下(當然要好友贊成啦) (2012-10-23 04:31)
ryan_kewell_7:如果可以縮短waiver三日為兩日就好, 起碼唔洗等甘耐, 不過唔知setting可唔可行[表情] (2012-10-23 01:36)
snipertcy:呢個係可以 set 的 [表情] (2012-10-23 08:43)
tc2218:then maybe we should set it to 2 days!! (2012-10-23 09:20)
snipertcy:我都同意, 2 日會較為有趣, 對於 add/drop 方面, 如果每周只係 add 4-5 個球員的話, 加埋呢樣個 game 會 run 得仲快, 不過呢樣係咪都要下年先執行同投票呢 [表情] (2012-10-23 09:35)