係做左一些research 後, 我有左個draft , 唔知各位覺得如何? 依遍文佔分好重, 對我來說好重要, 希望大家可以俾d意見. 因為係論文的關係, 意見唔一定要100% correct, 有point, 有原因back-up就可以.
我的論點係認為傳媒係報道一些未開審/或未判決的案件時應該被更加約束來保障社會大眾對司法獨立,公平和公正的要求. 言論自由和公開討論的要求不應凌駕於法獨立,公平和公正的要求. 同時間, 因為被告能否得到公平審判係刑事案來說係好重要, 所以, 就算係一件社會關注的案件, 若果傳媒公開討論會構成對被告不公平, 咁樣都應該係藐視法庭.
(1) 首先講傳媒認為言論自由的重要性, 包括從個人和社會角度講 - 如俾人講d反對的意見
(2) 言論自由亦包括公開討論社會關注的案件 - Open Court
(3) 再用萊斯特個point - 佢地只係講d大眾意見, 反映 public opinion.
(4) 反駁佢地 - 首先講傳媒權力過大, 鐘意做乜就做乜. 可以未開審已經講到條友有罪. 要約束佢地
(5) 提出 - responsible speech - 附責任的言論, 言論自由都唔等如亂講野. 要對講過的話附責
(6) 再講人權- 每個人都應該有公平的審判, 依d係基本人權. 比傳媒眼中的言論自由重要
(7) 我自己有d proposal 去點樣約束佢地
大檸樂... 要寫文...
“It is of
extreme public interest that
no conduct should be permitted which is
likely to prevent a litigant in a court of justice from having his case tried
free from all matter of prejudice. But the administration of justice, important though it undoubtedly is, is
not the only matter in which the public is vitally interested; and
if in the course of the ventilation of a question of public concern matter is published which may prejudice a party in the conduct of a law suit,
it does not follow that a contempt has been committed.” (Ex parte Bread Manufacturers Ltd; Re Truth and Sportsman Ltd (1937), per Jordan CJ, CM, vol 2, 495)
Comment the above statement
‘trial by media’ a significant concern? Is there a need for an appropriate balance between the interests of justice and free speech? or either one of them outweights the other.
注: contempt of courts = words or actions that interfere with the administration of justice or constitute a disregard for the authority of a court. 唔一定要係法庭內講
3500 words~~~ wanna die~
please help
[[中文大約意思: 基於公眾利益,係任可行為或情況下都不能令一個被告/原告的權利係未開案前被傳媒影響或影響到判決或引起成見/偏見
但同時間, 私法公平公正不是公眾唯一注意/感興趣的事, 如果公開一件大眾關注的事/案情(件)會有可能引起對當事人有成見/偏見的話, 咁樣唔等如藐視法庭
傳媒審判係咪好值得關注? 有需要balance私法公平同埋言論自由? or 你認為其中一樣較重要d?
注: contempt of courts = words or actions that interfere with the administration of justice or constitute a disregard for the authority of a court
要寫3500 字~!!! 各好友有何高見, 打中英文reply 都得. 除你喜歡
[ 本文被ryan_ho在2006-04-20 00:15重新編輯 ]