“Guangzhou - can't really stand the place.
On the train from HK to GZ, I wanted to get some sleeps. The kid behind me was shouting, talking, belching and screaming all the time. Finally, I couldn't stand it any more and turned around to tell him to shut up. His mom was sitting next the the kid and when I looked at the kid, I was a bit ashame of myself - he was in fact retarded. Shit, how stupid I was!! But then I thought, even handicapped people can be bad, look at Taiwan's first bitch, she is a cripple but is absoultely corrupt!! When I thought of it, I felt a bit better.
Arrived in GZ after feeling a bit awkard. Man, I must say Big 6 is certainly not my favorite place at all. The people here, the air, the traffic, just everything are unbearable!
The food was good though. However, whatever we wanted to order was already sold out: the chicken, the duck, the prok knuckles, the tofu, the desserts, you name it. And that not just happened in one restaurant but in 2.
Was glad to leave the place. As soon as the train crossed the border arriving in HK, the scenery changed drastically. The grass was much greener, the road much cleaners, the cars much newer, even the cow was fatter. Am still feeling quite reluctant toward Big 6 but what would happen to HK if without Big 6? It's kinda like a love-hate relationship but everyone will have to accept it and live with it. I'm not ready for it, no. I still feel the strong bondage we once had but although I am not a Brits lover, thought it was a great time we had back then when they were managing HK.
I must be real tough for Alex to spend so much of his time there in Big 6. Am glad to hear that he turned down the drama series in December. He really needs to take a break, refresh himself a bit and rejuvenate his look and appearance. Being in Big 6 for too long will make someone looks outdated, so he'd better come back to HK to freshen up. I was so happy to see him, even if it was for 2 nights. I miss him already.........can't wait to see him again on Friday. ”