Ladies' Market, our second destination after the breakfast, this is one of the most popular shopping street markets in Hong Kong.
兩個comma中間係'Ladies' Market'o既解釋,咁用o既時候你要確保你delete左兩個comma中間o既野後,句句字仲係通順
Ladies' Market this is one of the most popular shopping street markets in Hong Kong.
另外你呢篇係講稿,你講完第一段之後無端端就Ladies' Market,our.......會覺得兩段無咩聯繫
Then,we will go to Ladies' market,which is one of the most popular shopping street markets in Hong Kong.
We can buy bags, toys and clothing that about Hong Kong.
'that is'或者無左個that都得
We can buy bags, toys and clothing (that is) about Hong Kong.
It is good place for buying souvenirs.
'a' good place, countable noun...
I think we will very tried after shopping, we can go to Milk & Milk to have a lunch, you need to order baked beef with pasta and a baked seafood with rice which is the famous in this restaurant.It’s so delicious.
Will唔係verb呀,is o既 future tense係will be
呢句本身係幾句野黎,唔好不停comma....一篇簡單英文寫o既文應該係full stop多過comma好多的,你唔知用咩好果陣通常都係full stop...
I think we will be very tried after shopping, so we will go to Milk & Milk to have lunch.
You should order baked beef with pasta and baked seafood with rice as they are the most famous dishes in that restaurant. It’s very delicious.