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BBF 2007-01-23 15:11

What is Marketing?

Who can give me some introduction about the marketing?

Who is studying about this subject?



1 Definitions
2 History
3 Introduction
4 Transactional Marketing
5 Two Levels of Marketing
5.1 Strategic Marketing
5.2 Operational Marketing
6 Four Ps
6.1 Seven Ps
6.2 Eight P's
7 Beyond the 4 Ps
7.1 Resources, Relationships, Offerings and Business Models
7.1.1 Resources
7.1.2 Relationships
7.1.3 Offerings
7.1.4 Business Models
8 Customer focus
9 Product focus
10 Other aspects
11 Criticism of marketing

BBF 2007-01-23 15:19
Marketing is any activity which aim is to make humans behave in a desired manner.
Marketing is "Satisfying a need for a profit."
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
Marketing is "an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders".
Marketing: "human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange processes".
Marketing to be the "management process of anticipating, identifying and satisfying customer requirements profitably". Thus, operative marketing involves the processes of market research, market segmentation, new product development, product life cycle management, pricing, channel management as well as promotion.
Marketing-"taking actions to create, grow, maintain, defend and own markets".
Any activity that connects producers with consumers.


A market-focused, or customer-focused, organization first determines what its potential customers desire, and then builds the product or service. Marketing theory and practice is justified on the belief that customers use a product/service because they have a need, or because a product/service has a perceived benefit.

Two major factors of marketing are the recruitment of new customers (acquisition) and the retention and expansion of relationships with existing customers (base management).

For a marketing plan to be successful, the mix of the four "Ps" must reflect the wants and desires of the consumers in the target market. Trying to convince a market segment to buy something they don't want is extremely expensive and seldom successful. Marketers depend on marketing research, both formal and informal, to determine what consumers want and what they are willing to pay for it. Marketers hope that this process will give them a sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing management is the practical application of this process. The offer is also an important addition to the 4P's theory.

Transactional Marketing
First assumption
There is a large number of potential customers
Second assumption
Customers and their needs are fairly homogenous
Third assumption
It is rather easy to replace lost customers with new ones

Two Levels of Marketing
Marketing is understanding that marketing operates on 2 different levels.
Strategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing attempts to determine how an organization competed against its competition in a market place. In particular, it aims at generating a competitve advantage relative to its competition.
When Jack Trout says that marketing is 'the war between competitors' and 'the conflict between companies' what he is really doing is defining marketing at the business level.
Operational Marketing
Operational Marketing executes marketing functions to attract and keep customers and to maximise the value derived from them.
This includes the determination of the marketing mix, advertising execution etc.

Four Ps
The four Ps are:
Product: The Product management and Product marketing aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual good or service, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants.
Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts.
Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling, and refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company.
Placement or distribution refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point of sale placement or retailing. This fourth P has also sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc.

Seven Ps
As well as the standard four Ps (Product, Pricing, Promotion and Place), services marketing calls upon an extra three, totalling seven and known together as the extended marketing mix. These are:

People: Any person coming into contact with customers can have an impact on overall satisfaction. Whether as part of a supporting service to a product or involved in a total service, people are particularly important because, in the customer's eyes, they are generally inseparable from the total service. As a result of this, they must be appropriately trained, well motivated and the right type of person. Fellow customers are also sometimes referred to under 'people', as they too can affect the customer's service experience, (e.g., at a sporting event).
Process: This is the process(es) involved in providing a service and the behaviour of people, which can be crucial to customer satisfaction.
Physical evidence: Unlike a product, a service cannot be experienced before it is delivered, which makes it intangible. This, therefore, means that potential customers could perceive greater risk when deciding whether or not to use a service. To reduce the feeling of risk, thus improving the chance for success, it is often vital to offer potential customers the chance to see what a service would be like. This is done by providing physical evidence, such as case studies, or testimonials.

[edit] Eight P's
As well as the other 7, Packaging has been added to this list by some people. The rationale is that it is very important how the product is presented to the customer, and the packaging is often the first contact that a customer has with a product. Although some disagree because packaging is seen as a subfield of promotion.

=> 8P: Product + Pricing + Promotion + Place + People + Process + Physical evidence + Packaging

Beyond the 4 Ps
>> Resources
Companies with a greater amount of resources than their competitors will have an easier time competing in the marketplace. Resources include: financial (cash and cash reserves), physical (plant and equipment), human (knowledge and skill), legal (trademarks and patents), organizational (structure, competencies, policies), and informational (knowledge of consumers and competitors). Small companies usually have a harder time competing with larger corporations because of their disadvantage in resource allocation.
>> Relationships
Success in business, as in life, is based on the relationships you have with people. Marketers must aggressively build relationships with consumers, customers, distributors, partners and even competitors if they want to have success in today's competitive marketplace.There are four type of relationships 1)win-win 2)win-lose 3)lose-lose 4)lose-win.(customer-vendor)
>> Offerings
Most companies sell a mix of products and/or services. Today's marketplace is often too competitive for "one-trick ponies". Companies that sell the right mix products and services can have a competitive advantage over companies that sell just one product or service.
>> Business Models
The concept of product vs. product in competitive marketing is dying. It's slowly becoming business model vs. business model. Business model innovation can make the competition's product superiority irrelevant. Business model innovation allows a marketer to change the game instead of competing on a level playing field.

Customer focus
Many companies today have a customer orientation (also called customer focus). This implies that the company focuses its activities and products on consumer demands.

Product focus
In a product innovation approach, the company pursues product innovation, then tries to develop a market for the product. Product innovation drives the process and marketing research is conducted primarily to ensure that a profitable market segment(s) exists for the innovation.

kylau 2007-01-23 16:15
都係4Ps, SWOT analysis, 80-20 rule, 這樣的so-called theories


BBF 2007-01-23 16:29
引用第2樓kylau2007-01-23 16:15發表的“”:
都係4Ps, SWOT analysis, 80-20 rule, 這樣的so-called theories


"4Ps, SWOT analysis, 80-20 rule"

老Shearer舒 2007-01-23 21:06
引用第2樓kylau2007-01-23 16:15發表的“”:
都係4Ps, SWOT analysis, 80-20 rule, 這樣的so-called theories


Erikson 2007-01-23 22:33
引用第2樓kylau2007-01-23 16:15發表的“”:
都係4Ps, SWOT analysis, 80-20 rule, 這樣的so-called theories

4p、swot 依d已經係好實在


垃圾桶 2007-01-23 22:34
引用第5樓Erikson2007-01-23 22:33發表的“”:
4p、swot 依d已經係好實在



Erikson 2007-01-23 22:42
引用第6樓垃圾桶2007-01-23 22:34發表的“”:


垃圾桶 2007-01-23 22:44
引用第7樓Erikson2007-01-23 22:42發表的“”:

我Degree果時都有兩科Strategy....肥左一科, 剛剛合格既都有一科....


kylau 2007-01-23 22:55
所以我寧願意讀maths, 讀stat都唔讀marketing

(core 除外)

BBF 2007-01-23 22:56
引用第8樓垃圾桶2007-01-23 22:44發表的“”:
我Degree果時都有兩科Strategy....肥左一科, 剛剛合格既都有一科....


我chem差到冇人有 (ce-abs, al當然冇讀 )
上左u有2科係material(好chem o既野...)
2科都pass~~~2科都"d", 唔洗讀過

Erikson 2007-01-23 23:11
引用第9樓kylau2007-01-23 22:55發表的“”:
所以我寧願意讀maths, 讀stat都唔讀marketing
(core 除外)

不過你第日做commercial field既話marketing既knowledge會幾有用

kylau 2007-01-23 23:16
引用第11樓Erikson2007-01-23 23:11發表的“”:
不過你第日做commercial field既話marketing既knowledge會幾有用


問題係想搵份大會計師樓做都咁難, 都唔再諗轉commerical了

垃圾桶 2007-01-23 23:30
引用第10樓ballballfull2007-01-23 22:56發表的“”:
差左d喎 [表情]
我chem差到冇人有 (ce-abs, al當然冇讀[表情] )


BBF 2007-01-23 23:35
引用第13樓垃圾桶2007-01-23 23:30發表的“”:
[表情] [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情] [表情]

如果唔係2隻d我就可以second up


老Shearer舒 2007-01-25 09:24
看來你們都是修理科的....me too~


Erikson 2007-01-25 21:15
引用第15樓hkshearer2007-01-25 09:24發表的“”:
看來你們都是修理科的....me too~
but工作以後不是很有用嗎~ [表情]


我依d small potato淨係做implementation

老Shearer舒 2007-01-25 21:37
引用第16樓Erikson2007-01-25 21:15發表的“”:
我依d small potato淨係做implementation


Erikson 2007-01-25 22:38
引用第17樓hkshearer2007-01-25 21:37發表的“”:
做implementation唔識睇成個picture,咪成日who,when,where,why攪唔清 [表情]
行多好多路ga~~ [表情]

我夠知睇full picture好啦

朗尼 2007-01-25 22:46
同我而家要考的Electronic commerce,有冇相同之處呀?

老Shearer舒 2007-02-07 10:16

BBF 2007-02-07 11:05
引用第20樓hkshearer2007-02-07 10:16發表的“”:

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