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英俊 2007-10-04 22:11


what is the difference between present perfect and present perfect continuous?

希汀加 2007-10-04 23:28
FORM Present Perfect Continuous

[HAS / HAVE] + [BEEN] + [VERB+ing]


I have been waiting here for two hours.

She has only been studying English for two years.

NOTE: When you are using a verb tense with more than one part such as Present Perfect Continuous (has been studying), adverbs often come between the first part and the second part (has only been studying).


USE 1 Duration from the Past Until Now

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. "For five minutes", "for two weeks", and "since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the Present Perfect Continuous.


They have been talking for the last hour.

She has been working at that company for three years.

James has been teaching at the University since June.


USE 2 Recently, Lately

You can use the Present Perfect Continuous WITHOUT a duration such as "for five minutes", "for two weeks", and "since Tuesday". Without the durations, the this tense gives a more general meaning of "lately". We often use the words "lately" or "recently" in the sentence to strengthen this meaning.


Recently, I have been feeling really tired.

She has been watching too much television lately.

Mary has been feeling a little depressed.



Remember that the Present Perfect Continuous has the meaning of "lately" or "recently.";; If you use the Present Perfect Continuous in a question such as "Have you been feeling alright?", it suggests that the person looks sick or unhealthy. A question such as "Have you been smoking?" suggests that you can smell the smoke on the person. Using this tense in a question suggests you can see, smell, hear, or feel the results of the action. It is possible to insult someone by using this tense incorrectly.


FORM Present Perfect

[HAS / HAVE] + [past participle]

I have seen that movie many times.

I have never seen that movie.

NOTE: When you are using a verb tense with more than one part such as Present Perfect (have seen), adverbs usually come between the first part and the second part (have never seen).


USE 1 Unspecified Time Before Now

We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with time expressions such as "yesterday," "one year ago," "last week," "when I was a chlid," "when I lived in Japan," "at that moment," "that day" or "one day." We CAN use the Present Perfect with expressions like "ever," "never," "once," "many times," "several times," "before," "so far," "already" and "yet."


I have seen that movie twenty times.

I think I have met him once before.

There have been many earthquakes in California.

Has there ever been a war in the United States?
Yes, there has been a war in the United States.

People have traveled to the moon.

Form yahoo知識

黑魔道士比比 2007-10-04 23:47
我記得以前都講過下~~~ 不過而家學多左野所以解既方法或者唔同左

首先present perfect continuous 係present perfect 變化出黎, 大概就好似present perfect 混入 -ing 既概念, 兩個都可以用黎表達一個由以前到而家呢個moment 發生緊既action.
I have lived in Hong Kong for 10 years
I have been living in Hong Kong for 10 years

前者既重點係個action 度, 即係住係香港呢個action,
而後者係強調個duration, 即係強調「10年」

She has cried since 5pm
She has been crying since 5pm

前者重視個action, 即係表達she 「喊左」
後者重視個duration, 即係表達 she 「仲喊緊」

額外, 雖然present perfect continuous 強調duration,
但係如果成句入面無duration, 就當做表達「最近」發生既-ing action


senal 2007-10-05 18:42
for 10 years 係唔係 time expression ?

黑魔道士比比 2007-10-05 22:37
引用第3樓arsenal2007-10-05 18:42發表的“”:
for 10 years 係唔係 time expression ? [表情]

唔係, 係duration~

time expression 係refer to "when?" 既phrase,
好似in the afternoon, yesterday 都係

senal 2007-10-05 22:57
引用第4樓黑魔道士比比2007-10-05 22:37發表的“”:
唔係, 係duration~
time expression 係refer to "when?" 既phrase,
好似in the afternoon, yesterday 都係

ok 明白了

黑魔道士比比 2007-10-06 15:25
引用第5樓arsenal2007-10-05 22:57發表的“”:
ok 明白了 [表情]


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