freezefox:我一路以為,佢先係主力,gibbs 只係臨時頂檔既添。
以雲加咁慳儉既性格,有咩可能為左補充傑比斯個段咁短既受傷檔期而走去買個人返黎哎?唔似佢喎。所以我一路認為,雲加係想用monreal 黎做左閘既第一人選,先會入貨的。
(2013-03-18 20:39)
買返黎主要係替好唔掂既 santos,因為雲加話隊波需要兩個左閘,唔可以打死一個,加上果陣 gibbs 要傷出六週,所以就出手了。下面呢段係當日雲加講既︰
"Our scouts have followed his progress for a while and of course we had a blow with the Gibbs injury, which is a bit longer than expected," Wenger said. "We expected two to three weeks, now it will be four to six, so we were in a position where we had to make a quick decision. That explains our buy."
Wenger added: "I believe we need two left-backs. You cannot play every single game with the same player. We had two before, we have two again now. If Gibbs is out for four to six weeks, from six it can easily go to eight [before he is competitive again] and that means two months in a very decisive period, so it is vital to have another left-back."