下面是引用kylau於2005-08-15 08:09發表的:biographical = 傳記海明威傳記呀comment briefly on the relevance of the work to your own experience, 同你日常生活有咩關係呀.......
下面是引用hung於2005-08-15 08:17發表的:thx very much, 傳記 is look like this?18xx:born19xx:write this book19xx:die
下面是引用kylau於2005-08-15 08:26發表的:yep(but better do a internet search, with more than 10 information/history from this guy.)
下面是引用hung於2005-08-24 08:16發表的:what means ''relevant information about the setting of the work'' and ''characteristics of the genre or type of work''also if the book is the old man and the sea, what is the genre of this book.
下面是引用kylau於2005-08-24 10:07發表的:sorry......i really donno what u meant by "setting of the work".....What is the "work" here means?
下面是引用kylau於2005-08-24 10:16發表的:THE link i've posted has contained sth about the "work".....esp the editorial reviews