依科就黎要考, 不過我好多野都唔識, 希望如果好友有人識可以教下我
Q1.咩係parity checksum?
我睇落佢係開左個2d plane , 跟住start-of-text(stx),message character , end-of- text(ETX) character.
佢係咁寫: after ETX,a column parity character is added which covers the buts occupying the same bit position. the column parity character is called BCC(block check character), as it provides a block checking ability . TCP is using the parity block checksum approach for error checking
唔知佢UP 咩...點解會有兩個FOR CHECKING GE PARITY BIT, 點ASSUME 出黎,成個野係點運作ge...