ryan_kewell_7:其實有個小問題想問下, 點解總統選舉會係禮拜二搞的?
(2012-11-05 17:41)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20072338#FBM143296Why is Election Day always a Tuesday?
Even though America's voter turnout is among the lowest in mature democracies and more than a quarter of people who do not vote claim they are too busy, efforts to move elections to weekends have failed.
The Tuesday after the first Monday in November was set as presidential election day in 1845.
In the mid-19th Century, the US was an agrarian nation and it simply took a lot of time for farmers to drive the horse and buggy to the nearest polling place.
Saturday was a workday on the farm, travel on Sunday was out, and Wednesday was a market day. That left Tuesday.