火鳳凰:唉,總之都係無個好人……[表情] (2013-04-16 15:30)
火鳳凰:我當年九一一復飛果陣係美國返黎,無記錯的話係 LA 機場都只係排五粒鐘左右,果次係停飛之後大批旅客滯留所以好亂,今次你應該唔駛咁耐既。[表情] (2013-04-16 13:05)
Gabriel:[表情]火兄 911果陣係美國???? (2013-04-16 15:56)
火鳳凰:唔係…… 我果陣係墨西哥幫個客同墨西哥政府開會,原定係 911 果日經 LA 轉機返香港,結果當然上唔到機,最後滯留左兩星期好辛苦先搵到機位上到機去 LA,再返香港。[表情] (2013-04-16 16:02)
Ar敬:墨西哥政府開會[表情] (2013-04-16 16:07)
Ar敬:http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/v/909002_594821667195875_665126810_n.jpg?oh=47390aad0e592d2105edfbd486ce5aac&oe=516EBC4B&__gda__=1366234746_88c341dcebdde98c0b163006cd77464d18+好得人驚[表情]....... (2013-04-16 15:37)
Gabriel:哇....屋企人擔心死啦肯定[表情] (2013-04-16 16:36)
Some degree of anti-Americanism may reflect ideology, distorted history, or a foreign government's attempt to shift blame onto others (a practice that all governments indulge in), but a lot of it is the inevitable result of policies that the American people have supported in the past. When you kill tens of thousands of people in other countries -- and sometimes for no good reason -- you shouldn't be surprised when people in those countries are enraged by this behavior and interested in revenge. After all, how did we react after September 11?
freezefox:咁你咪去炸美國政府囉。炸白宮囉!做咩要炸係條街既平民? (2013-04-16 16:47)
freezefox:如果唔經LA 經第二度會唔會好D?[表情] (2013-04-16 16:50)
火鳳凰: (2013-04-16 16:55)
Gabriel:但係怨怨相報何時了.....要追溯番以前真係多多人都唔夠殺喎....無理由前人種既果,要我後人食掛.......... (2013-04-16 17:06)