KeL:依單野真係唔知點發展落去[表情] [表情] (2020-08-26 09:15)
羅力亞:不過走有幾多隊承受到美斯既transfer fee同人工?數黎數去得曼城,PSG,祖記有C朗已經好mun水不過有小道話車仔都有contact過佢[表情] ....... (2020-08-26 09:36)
麻凡:其實D大牌走哂, 未必唔係好事, 可以重整球隊, 你睇車仔重組個氣象幾好? 巴塞青訓咁勁, 只有更多人用。皇馬之前都估佢會死, 施丹返黎接手個個都笑佢蠢接個爛攤子, 結果......
啪啪啪啪啪啪:聽聞下季唔會賣古天奴仲打算以佢做重要主力為美斯離隊接班 (2020-08-26 09:25)
羅力亞:可能玩到十月[表情] 又有可能會長下台美斯收回成命[表情] 不過似乎今次美斯真係下定決心[表情] (2020-08-26 09:26)
freezefox:如果會長下台,選左另一個,朗奴高文可能即時炒魷![表情] (2020-08-26 10:37)
麻凡:曼城啱啱俾人告完, 未必再咁易洗到咁多錢? (2020-08-26 10:21)
freezefox:宜家有機會免簽 (2020-08-26 10:42)
羅力亞:Analysis - 'Even if Barca demand one of the biggest ever transfer fees, Messi wants out' Barcelona have said the clause ran out on 10 June and they are convinced, legally, they could win any challenge to it. Of course, the fact the season was prolonged gives Messi the right to think that he is able to apply that clause, but lawyers have told the club he will not win that dispute.The fax sent is a well-thought of step by Leo, who, having spoken to his family and lawyers, is desperate to leave the club. The way he thinks about it today is clear: this is not a battle for more power. He wants to leave. That is it........
羅力亞:免簽應該好難要Neymar 價位 (2020-08-26 10:45)