引用第295樓siman於2007-10-10 20:18發表的“”:你去巴塞啦, 佢果邊好似唔夠人 (隊波都係講中文).......
引用第299樓奧脫福於2007-10-10 20:47發表的“”:我剩係住址差 d , 但都 ok 架 ..都唔批~ [表情]
引用第301樓tsang0701於2007-10-10 20:49發表的“”:你而家有冇再sd過 [表情] [表情]
引用第302樓奧脫福於2007-10-10 20:50發表的“”:再重新申請過 , 唔知佢會唔會話我 [表情]
引用第300樓tsang0701於2007-10-10 20:48發表的“”:我想知個 trainning plan [表情] 同埋 果 邊d人工仲少過電腦隊 ..
引用第304樓siman於2007-10-10 20:57發表的“”:你識英文可以過外國好高人工... 當時有個用1250euro 請我去添... .......
引用第298樓siman於2007-10-10 20:46發表的“”:你認真D 註冊無理由唔批的 [表情]
引用第297樓tsang0701於2007-10-10 20:44發表的“”:主祝福你 [表情]
引用第303樓tsang0701於2007-10-10 20:51發表的“”:搞掂記得黎同我地一隊 [表情] [表情]
引用第308樓奧脫福於2007-10-10 21:14發表的“”:話黎就黎?@@
引用第305樓tsang0701於2007-10-10 20:58發表的“”:所以 , 唔知點好 同埋點樣聯絡manager架 ? 我怕我個方法好似錯錯地 [表情]
引用第311樓聰明豆於2007-10-10 21:41發表的“”:如果去到玩家隊唔係練自己個位既話係唔係訓練會冇係電腦隊咁多 [表情]
What's the thing about Team training and Individual training?By playing on a bot team you'll only have Individual training. But if for any chance you are playing on a human-controlled team, there will an additional challenge: team training.The team training is set by the manager and you should check it regularly. This is an important part of the game as it might increase the speed of your training: you won't train twice as you'll only train what's set in your individual training but if at the same hour and at the same day both the team training and individual training are the same you'll train at 100% of your potential. If both trainings differ from one another you'll only train at 75%. By playing on a bot team, you'll train at 85% if you're training a field skill or at 80% if you're training a goal-keeping skill. Let us give you an example: Day: Monday, Hour: 8:00. The team training at this time is set to finishing and you are wondering what to train. Well, if you're a striker you'd have all the advantages if you also train Finishing as you'll be training at 100% of your potential. If you select any other skill other than finishing you'll only train at 75%.This 75% / 100% rule only applies to match skills like finishing, passing, crosses, etc. Sides, fitness and having fun are not affected by this rule.A final note about this: please note that in case you're not in the same city as your club is you won't benefit from your team's training. Example: your team is located in London; you decide to travel to Sepang. While you're in Sepang (and your team in London) you won't benefit from team training and your player will train according the normal bot-teams training.
引用第310樓siman於2007-10-10 21:36發表的“”:你禁個manager, 右邊咪有"Message to User", 果度send 俾佢囉.......
引用第312樓siman於2007-10-10 21:47發表的“”:yes, help said that, but dunno if it is up-to-date