引用第43樓科高於2010-06-24 09:51發表的“”:我話南韓對日本 [表情]
引用第44樓火鳳凰於2010-06-24 09:52發表的“”:英德兩隊都係機會渺茫,無論邊隊最終勝出,博完都殘晒,八強對住阿根廷都係凶多吉少!俾你僥倖贏到阿根廷,四強對西班牙,決賽鬥巴西,咁都贏得到既話,就真係服左你地! [表情] [表情]
引用第47樓任天痕於2010-06-24 10:14發表的“”:英格蘭過到德國,都應該過唔到阿根庭......... [表情]
引用第46樓可可粉於2010-06-24 10:10發表的“”:墨西哥上屆16強都捱到加時先輸 [表情] 右上條線有3隊同上年好似都係同一條線 [表情] 如果一個唔覺意巴西次名左....意大利出局...另一邊荷蘭仲唔穩入決賽.......
引用第49樓火鳳凰於2010-06-24 10:29發表的“”:如果正常黎計巴西首名、意大利次名、一個唔覺意西班牙次名埋,呢條線變左巴西、意大利、荷蘭、西班牙,咁就仲恐怖過阿根廷、德國、英格蘭果邊…… [表情] [表情]
引用第51樓火鳳凰於2010-06-24 10:42發表的“”:左上角果條線照實力計就係烏拉圭最強,但係最終俾加納殺到入去四強都唔奇。而家只係剩返一隊非洲隊,成個非洲都支持佢,到時剩係的 vuvuzela 都嘈死其他幾隊…… [表情] [表情]
引用第53樓freezefox於2010-06-24 10:50發表的“”:尋晚英格蘭個場D VUVU 係咪細聲左?靜左好多喎。
引用第52樓可可粉於2010-06-24 10:49發表的“”:加納靠兩球12碼出線 [表情] [表情] 美國實力同烏拉圭差唔多吧
引用第48樓freezefox於2010-06-24 10:17發表的“”:邊個叫佢尋晩係都入唔到第二球哎。入到咪首名出線,打美國、加納個D 囉。 [表情] [表情]
引用第57樓任天痕於2010-06-24 10:59發表的“”:英格蘭出到線已經好好,打得咁差........
Capello allowed England players to drink before Slovenia matchFabio Capello has admitted he allowed his England players to drink beer the day before they defeated Slovenia 1-0 to progress to the World Cup Round of 16.The Italian tactician said he used his imagination and lifted his strict boot camp rules to let the players relax leading into the vital clash.“The players were allowed to drink beer before the game. You can ask them. I changed something, I used my imagination. It was free South African beer,” he admitted.“For us, it was really important. We had to win. We won. I saw the team really well on the pitch, with the spirit that we’d lost in the games we played before this game.”Capello also praised the performance of his side who could have fallen into the trap of Slovenia playing for a draw.“The performance of the team was really, really good. We had a lot of chances to score the second goal, but we didn’t score and we suffered in the last few minutes,” he added.“It’s possible in football sometimes to draw or lose a game from nothing. Slovenia played a good game, but I know that sometimes, when you have to play for a draw, you don’t play at the same level.“I spoke with the players before the game but I reminded them that, while we had to win, it wasn’t easy for the other team to arrive with a draw.”