下面是引用sun於2005-09-18 00:33發表的:
咁你有無見我問番你既問題呀?? [表情]
哈哈... 你點算做答得好先??? 我就咁吹出來 ja wor...
Anyway, 我再吹下la: (唔好話我 off topic ar)
你話減少稅收, 長期都會影響財政負擔的... 政府又可以從咩途徑來支持財政既負擔呢??
A lower profit tax rate does not necessarily lead to a reduction of income of government.
On the one hand, a lower profit tax rate will lead to a lower taxable amount per dollar.
On the other hand, a lower profit tax rate may also lead a high spending by private sector, including firms and private household.
Since someone's spending = someone's income. (my spending is the income of another person)
To the next person, since the profit tax rate has reduced, he is allowed to "keep" more $, and arguably... he will spend it again if he doesn't need to pay tax. (given that the bank does not provide a high saving interests.)
It will "still" generate a higher consumption and a higher investment. (刺激消費)
This will have two effects:
(1) Although, due to the reduce of tax rate, the taxable amount per dollars has been reduced, it may still generate more income because more people are spending $.
(2) Also, the increase of spending in consumption and investment may further lead to a higher demand of labour.
[ 此貼被ryan_ho在2005-09-18 01:02重新編輯 ]