haa:while defensive duo George McCartney and James Collins are now the club's only long-term absentees.......
siuzac:點解無講COLLINS[表情] (2013-01-19 13:29)
haa:Andy Carroll is edging ever closer to a return, while defensive duo George McCartney and James Collins are now the club's only long-term absentees.官網話長期缺陣Centre-back James Collins (hamstring) will be assessed....... (2013-01-19 13:34)
Why:while defensive duo George McCartney and James Collins are now the club's only long-term absentees我都諗緊k6定tomkins[表情] (2013-01-19 13:33)
siuzac:我都係煩緊.不過我諗我都係簡TOMKINS! (2013-01-19 13:35)
haa:我寧願用哥斯尼都唔會用佢 [表情] (2013-01-19 13:38)
siuzac:為何? (2013-01-19 13:41)
haa:依家都差唔多汁好華美倫 沙格拿 哥斯尼卡蘇拿 禾仔 路蘭 祖高爾....... (2013-01-19 13:54)
KeL:西咸二個中場位我都諗緊用邊件好[表情] (2013-01-19 14:58)
haa:未傷之前係正選 傷好踢返正選加上車仔馬達,夏薩達,奧斯卡,BA都有速度....... (2013-01-19 13:48)
siuzac:積基+盧保 (2013-01-19 15:01)