呢部戲既科學理論非常嚴謹,佢既科學顧問 theoretical physicist Kip Thorne 係拍部戲期間仲有新科學發現,拍完部戲之後可以出多兩份 papers……[表情]
(2014-11-14 09:36)
Kip Thorne 同霍金係friend黎
Several years ago, I discussed with my friend Kip Thorne about his and Lynda Obst's ideas for a sci-fi movie about wormholes. Those ideas became part of Christopher Nolan's Interstellar Movie. Kip and I went to the UK premiere on October 29th. Kip also appears in the upcoming film about my life as well, The Theory of Everything Movie. -SH
[ 此帖被羅力亞在2014-11-14 10:21重新編輯 ]