魚蛋:deufelou同lukaku同場對lukaku更有好處 當然我對deu的印象主要來自打吡果場[表情] (2013-12-14 15:36)
Ftwaiman: 比賽週 積分 - 球隊總值 £149.2M 尚餘 £0.8M 總分數 1864....... (2013-12-14 15:42)
嘉儀:今周cap邊個好[表情] (2013-12-14 16:44)
noneedname:cap Kun 好唔好?[表情] [表情] (2013-12-14 16:47)
可可粉:愛記輸過俾fulham (2013-12-14 16:55)
fmfmgary:kun r10(c) lukakuredmond coutinho oscar whittinghamterry luiz oviedocechsub:wardpowse debuchy,2$1....... (2013-12-14 17:00)
sikingthegreat:但fulham好似近20年away everton全輸 (定冇羸過)....?....... (2013-12-14 17:23)
lawrence_5395:but now fulham just change coach...[表情] (2013-12-14 17:29)
saxo:就好似manu未試過主場輸俾everton, 換左教練就... (2013-12-14 18:18)
科高蘭尼紐約人:如果唔睇價錢,一件車仔後衛邊件最好??另外Samsam您會要Olsson定Turner? 我暫時偏向前者多少少 (2013-12-14 18:25)
sikingthegreat:terryolsson進攻上會多少少貢獻, 應該好過turner (2013-12-14 18:32)
sikingthegreat:the new coach isn't a magician....[表情]i don't think he can improve the performance too much in 1-2 weeks' time.....plus, everton have been playing really well for 4 months.... (2013-12-14 18:31)