引用第1402樓tsang0701於2007-12-29 09:57發表的“”:
投 siman 一票 [表情]
haha... 我都係玩下野姐... 老實講, 無半數的話當選左都好易拉返下馬,
A revolution works like this:
In every election, the president is elected with a certain number of votes. After he's elected, people can choose either to support the president or to support a revolution (in the federation page). If the number of "points" of users supporting a revolution is above the number of election points with which the current president was elected, a revolution takes place and a new election will be started. Revolution points are exactly the same as election points: normal users are worth 1 point, Silver 2 and finally Gold are worth 3 points.
比如係10票當選, 只要有多過10票就可以推翻佢