I have to be totally honest - when I saw the SGS3 design for the first time, my initial reactions were somewhat cool. The device's design is an obvious evolution of the Qualcomm-based DC-HSPA+ or LTE SGS2s such as the T-Mobile SGS2, not the radical, over-hyped, under-substantiated (and perhaps unrealistic) unibody ceramic or other magicmaterial that everyone wanted. It's the same effect we saw with the iPhone 4S - rumors build to a fever pitch, everyone keeps adding more things to the wish list, and then reality hits home when the curtain lifts. Everyone wants the impossible, but only years of manufacturing process improvement and scale brings that closer. That said, I think HTC has clearly won the industrial design and in-hand feel category this time around.The obvious comparison point is the HTC One X (Tegra 3). When I compare the two side by side, the differentiation really comes down to display, and camera. The One X LCD is beautiful, and the One X/S camera is a very good performer. Subjective UI snappiness between the two are actually very close even though the SGS3's Exynos 4 Quad clearly holds an advantage over Tegra 3, but it ends up being accessories rather than core which will define the better device.
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