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鮮吊甬仔 2014-05-12 18:20

Excel 加數問題

點解一堆兩個小數位既數 加埋晒會有八個小數位走左出黎 ............................................

ps: 100% 肯定果堆全部都係2個小數位既數, 中間無hide行

鮮吊甬仔 2014-05-12 18:32
For example:


set 條formula "=sum(上面堆數)"
彈個 0.00000000101出黎畀我

dolphindt 2014-05-12 18:59
鮮吊甬仔:For example:
....... (2014-05-12 18:32) 

唔明, 你加埋係 0 黎架喎,  

你既意思係, 計小數後 2個位會計唔到??

鮮吊甬仔 2014-05-12 19:04
dolphindt:唔明, 你加埋係 0 黎架喎,  
你既意思係, 計小數後 2個位會計唔到?? (2014-05-12 18:59) 

就係本身應該加埋係0既野, 佢彈0.00000000101出黎畀我

dolphindt 2014-05-12 19:15
鮮吊甬仔:就係本身應該加埋係0既野, 佢彈0.00000000101出黎畀我 (2014-05-12 19:04) 

你係儲存格式度係咪set 錯咗野??

鮮吊甬仔 2014-05-12 19:15
dolphindt:你係儲存格式度係咪set 錯咗野?? (2014-05-12 19:15) 

checked, all in "Accounting" format

dolphindt 2014-05-12 19:16
用通用格式,  我啱啱試過OK ,  係 = 0

=SUM(C5:C10) << 個marco 大約係咁, 如果係加數

鮮吊甬仔 2014-05-12 19:17
dolphindt:用通用格式,  我啱啱試過OK ,  係 = 0
=SUM(C5:C10) << 個marco 大約係咁, 如果係加數 (2014-05-12 19:16) 

我上面係舉例, 我個case d數多好多, 長好多

鮮吊甬仔 2014-05-12 19:19
咩格式都試過, F5抽blank-->clear all 都整埋

我老頂會捉埋d咁既樣架陰公 攪唔好隨時畀人爆菊!

dolphindt 2014-05-12 19:23
鮮吊甬仔:我上面係舉例, 我個case d數多好多, 長好多[表情] (2014-05-12 19:17) 

我再試過,  用咗 AC format ,  都沒出現你既情況,  

d 資料係咪你自己既先??  定係上手留低??

建你開過一頁,  copy and paste , 之後, right click

選擇式貼上,  撰>> 值,  之後再自己marco 黎計過

火鳳凰 2014-05-12 19:25

不過與其逐個 check 的話,你不如用︰

FIXED(SUM(……),2) 夾硬 FIX 左佢係兩個小數點,咁就唔會有後面果的數……

鮮吊甬仔 2014-05-12 19:25
dolphindt:我再試過,  用咗 AC format ,  都沒出現你既情況,  
d 資料係咪你自己既先??  定係上手留低??
....... (2014-05-12 19:23) 

試過喇, 開個新xlsx 出黎貼值都唔得

迪神 2014-05-12 19:32

dolphindt 2014-05-12 19:33
鮮吊甬仔:試過喇, 開個新xlsx 出黎貼值都唔得[表情] (2014-05-12 19:25) 


鮮吊甬仔 2014-05-12 19:39
多謝晒咁多位, 我都係夾硬黎算 ....
其實我平時用開都成日有呢個問題, 平時都係夾硬整走佢算

迪神 2014-05-12 19:48


鮮吊甬仔 2014-05-12 20:05
係咪你呢度SETTING有野咋,冇咩理由開新EXCEL都係咁[表情] (2014-05-12 19:48) 

同你果個exactly the same

MatthewB 2014-05-12 21:00
Precision as Displayed

In some cases, you may be able to prevent rounding errors from affecting your work by using the Precision as displayed option. This option forces the value of each number in the worksheet to be the displayed value. To turn on this option, follow these steps:
In Excel 2003 and in earlier versions, click Options on the Tools menu.
On the Calculation tab, click to select the Precision as displayed check box.
In Excel 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, click Excel Options, and then click the Advancedcategory.
In the When calculating this workbook section, select the workbook you want, and then select the Set precision as displayed check box.
In Excel 2013 and 2010, click File, and then Options, and then click the Advanced category.
In the When calculating this workbook section, select the workbook you want, and then select the Set precision as displayed check box.

For example, if you choose a number format showing two decimal places and then turn on the Precision as displayed option, all accuracy beyond two decimals will be lost when you save your workbook. This option affects the active workbook including all worksheets. You cannot undo this option and recover the lost data. It is recommended that you save your workbook prior to enabling this option.

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