火鳳凰:呢的先係緊要……[表情]我而家就係無心機去 follow 呢的 twitter,所以都真係 out 晒……[表情] (2013-05-16 00:13)
火鳳凰:過左黎就唔好走啦,多的留言好快就變成好友中堅份子……[表情] (2013-05-16 00:15)
arsenal:我都係試過咁睇,不過我無 NOW,只可以係電腦 DL 返場波,再用 x1.5 以上 speed 睇,真係睇到眼都花 [表情] (2013-05-16 00:16)
哈哈:我都有做過同一樣野不過係x2 咁係咁飛黎睇 (2013-05-16 00:18)
文仔:遲幾日抄功課~[表情] (2013-05-16 00:19)
[url=http://bbs.hkbff.net/u.php?username=加歷查]加歷查[/url]:borini可以踢正前, 不過多數都踢左翼鋒, 而且表現都比較好其實問題係上場就算skrtel被受傷(?), coates都可以照踢中堅....... (2013-05-16 00:16)
arsenal:而家好多料都係係 twitter 睇返黎,team news, line-up, etc [表情] (2013-05-16 00:20)
sinamanlive:好辛苦, 要兩邊走好多某壇既兄弟都係度[表情] (2013-05-16 00:20)
arsenal:Rodgers on 3-5-2...I wanted to have a look, in the pressurised situation of a Premier League game, at a different sort of system. It's okay doing it on the training ground, but to do it in the Premier League is a different idea........ (2013-05-16 00:23)
火鳳凰:其實 top 100,甚至 top 50 都唔係好難,只要多的上黎,包你好快達成願望……[表情] (2013-05-16 00:06)
火鳳凰:都幾眼花架,不過 now 果個快速都 ok 既,前幾季果陣……[表情] (2013-05-16 00:21)
火鳳凰:所以咪話我 out 左囉,以前搵料要深入敵陣,走入人地隊波既 fans forum 裡面慢慢搵……[表情] (2013-05-16 00:23)
火鳳凰:我都一個都無,睇埋今晚場波先啦……[表情] (2013-05-16 00:09)