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Konkov invites Shevchenko
12.11.2012, 14:15 | Press Office FFU FFU photo
President of the Football Federation of Ukraine Anatoliy Konkov decided to invite the post of chief coach of Ukraine Andriy Shevchenko.
Andrew took a prominent school renowned clubs such as the "Dynamo" Kyiv, "Milan", "Chelsea" led by legendary coach: Valeriy Lobanovskiy, Carlo Ancelotti, Jose Mourinho. He had a unique ability to absorb their talent, their knowledge and their experience.
It should be noted that at one time Andriy Shevchenko and debuted in the youth national teams under the leadership of Anatoly Ridge. And today FFU president offers Shevchenko new debut!
Anatoly Dmitrievich also stressed in his comments the press service of FFU that believes young Andrew - a positive factor: "Remember - no one is known as a coach, Josep Guardiola few years achieved incredible results! I'm sure Shevchenko also be able to conquer great football tops as mentor of the main team of the country, it had enough experience and character. A federation, in turn, will ensure any necessary assistance with the national team. " ... E%AD-114002240.html
前傳出有望肩負起帶領國家足球隊的前烏克蘭球星舒夫真高,在當地時間周一宣佈不會接受教職。「我認為現階段要擔任國家隊教練的話,對我來說是較為倉促了點。」111次效力國家隊兼取得48個入球的舒夫真高(Andriy Shevchenko),透過烏克蘭足總的傳媒服務發表心跡說。「希望烏克蘭足總會以諒解的角度去接受我的決定。我對於得到足總及主席干哥夫得絕對信任、並提出由我擔任國家隊教練一職感到很欣慰。」早在上周干哥夫便向外界宣佈,希望舒夫真高能接手自9月份以來,前教練布洛堅遺留一來的職務,不過現時卻好夢成空,唯有再致力去尋求新的人選。36歲的舒夫真高自7月份宣佈掛靴之後,便展開其從政生涯,然而其投效的烏克蘭社會民主黨,於上月的選舉只得到幾個百分點支持率,未能成功闖入國會。惟現時他公開表示不會回歸足球圈,意味他仍打算在政壇上打拚。[ 此帖被wongfanshing在2012-11-19 23:01重新編輯 ]