引用第36樓廢托於2010-11-08 13:14發表的“Re:carroll被控襲擊他人, 獲準保釋, 條件係一定要住”:
【綜合英格蘭外電】所謂近朱者赤、近墨者黑,「喜鵲」紐卡素隊長路蘭原本作為感化隊友安祖卡路爾的「聖人」,可惜最後「同化」了,反被帶壞一齊去 wet,而且帶艷女返屋企涉嫌吸毒。
http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20101107/club-statement_2281670_2211169Club Statement:
The Club notes the story in
News Of The World today and has passed the matter to its legal advisers.
Both Kevin Nolan and Andy Carroll categorically deny having any knowledge that drugs had been brought onto the premises and are pleased that the paper does not even allege that they were aware of the presence of drugs.
Neither player would ever contemplate taking drugs or condone the use of such substances.
The Club and the players named are sure that if the editor felt his story had any truth he would already have reported this to the police.
The Club and the players named will be happy to cooperate fully with any police investigation.