羅力亞:三個chip得一次The Bench Boost and Triple Captain chips can each be used once a season and are played when saving your team on the my team page. They can be cancelled at anytime before the Gameweek deadline........ (2019-12-08 16:25)
chun1424:我覺得有 Free Transfer 就轉啦轉隻Aurier 都好....... (2019-12-10 11:40)
Alan0502:唔該羅版~記錯左WILDCARD先係上下半季各一次? (2019-12-10 11:58)
羅力亞:https://twitter.com/BenCrellin/status/1203017178146103296 [表情] (2019-12-10 09:33)
posouth:Wow, 詳細. 如果到時真係GW24, 啱啱係利記賽程大好的開始, 肯定triple LIV到時. 不過到果時先入貨應該都唔遲, Mane一隻長keep, 最多都係入多兩隻.反而韋斯咸唔知點買, 唯一一個有興趣的Haller都唔穩正了. (2019-12-10 12:15)
羅力亞:Price Rises! 💷 #FPL⬆️ Evans £5.2m⬆️ Vardy £10.1mPrice Falls! 💷 #FPL....... (2019-12-10 09:40)
freezefox:今季連利記同曼城D CS 都慘不忍睹⋯⋯⋯水晶宮、李城同錫菲聯仲好過佢地。我就係因為早期無買錫菲聯後防而比你地大幅拋離。....... (2019-12-10 11:59)
羅力亞:The Wildcard chip can be used twice a season. The first wildcard will be available from the start of the season until Sat 28 Dec 19:30. The second wildcard will be available after this date in readiness for the January transfer window opening and remain avail .. (2019-12-10 12:08)
Alan0502:wk18前用左上半季呢次先[表情] (2019-12-10 12:55)
羅力亞:SCOUT: Of the nine #FPL players who cost £10.0m or more, Raheem Sterling has the lowest points-per-match average (5.4) (2019-12-10 15:54)